Machine learning vs. data science
- data science: 어떤 의사결정을 해야할지에 도움을 주는 분야 ex) 어떤 집을 사야하는가?
- science of extracting knowledge and insight from data
- machine learning
- filed of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
- 어떤 고아고를 눌러야 하는지 알려주는 시스템
Deep learning
- 네 개의 input(A)를 통해 한 개의 output(B)를 만들어 냄
- 중간의 원들을 neuron(뉴런)이라고 부른다.
- Neural Network와 Deep learning은 요즘 거의 구분되지 않고 사용된다.
- Neural networks were originally inspired by the brain, but the details of how they work are almost completely unrelated to how biological brains work.
AI has many tools
- Machine learning and data science
- Deep learning / neural network
- Other buzzwords: Unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, graphical models, ...
출처: Coursera, AI For Everyone, DeepLearning.AI